
Thursday, 25 February 2010

Workspace wonders.

With everything thats been happening recently I've been thinking more than normal about my ideal workspace, and theres a lot of inspiration out there once you start looking. I thought I'd do this post as an occasional feature on here, whenever something inspires me.

this one comes from Design*Sponge :

I've wanted to paint a wall with chalkboard paint for ages, and its such a good way of forcing yourself to organise your time!


  1. Loom, I see no loom! What do you mean you are too busy working on the loom to take pictures of it and post them for this random impatient stranger?! I'm not sure a calendar that I get to draw on the wall myself would make me any more efficient than the calendar that sits beside my computer taunting me. Although if I drew the calendar myself I could add more days to the month, do you think they'd actually appear if I drew them?

  2. Sorry for being bossy I'll rein it in a bit! You'd be welcome to come to the hen do if it didn't mean telling all my friends and family how and why we know each other. x

  3. don't be stupid, its fine! I laughed at it, you should see the mess the room is in though, photos will be the last thing I'm putting on here!

  4. We have a mini wall blackboard calendar – it's just got the days of the week but it really is v useful! Do it I say! (Also want pics of the loom too!!)
