
Wednesday, 23 June 2010


I seem to have left my blogging mojo somewhere the last few days, I've done stuff on the list, honest I have, I'm just not writing about it. We're off to see cars tonight, of the wedding variety, and theres lots a'happenin' around here (not least that we have exciting house news finally, more on that another time) which fill up all my days. I'm still reading your blogs, as you probably noticed from my comments, I'm just not writing, but I will, soon. promise.

In the meantime, I joined twitter. you're a persuasive lot. find me @ becca_clare - I didn't want my blog name on there, and I didn't want my married or maiden names in there either, so if you've been getting random tweets from someone of that name, its me.


  1. Good luck with the house stuff! Hope it all goes well. And look forward to hearing all the wedding stuff when you have a minute.

  2. Enjoy seeing the cars; looking forward to hearing about the rest when you have time.

    Yay to joining twitter too!

  3. i find theres less wedding-planning-blogging-time when youre um, actually doing the wedding planning part.

  4. less time on twitter more time on blog! hope you find your mojo soon and if you find mine in passing???
    how did the cars go? brm brm

  5. he he... twitter does get addictive, watch out!

    if you've got so much going on, of course blogging can take a backseat... we're still here though!
